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During P.E lessons we aim to give students exposure to a variety of different sports. We believe that if each student leaves school with one physical activity they want to continue or have a keen interest in, then we have been successful.
At KS2 there is a specific focus on the fundamental movement skills. We believe these are the key foundations to be a successful athlete later in life:
Stability - e.g. bending, stretching, twisting
Movement skills - e.g. walking, running, jumping
Manipulative skills - e.g. throwing and catching
At KS3, the students experience a variety of sports that might not have previously been available to them. This includes tennis, athletics, fencing, badminton, rugby, volleyball, football, gym, health-related fitness and basketball. There are a number of topics the students will be learning via different sports including:
Strategies and tactics
Health and safety
Anatomy and physiology
Rules and regulations
At KS4 we build upon prior learnt knowledge towards one of the 3 pathways appropriate for the learners.
Pathway A: Year 10 & 11 - iGCSE Physical Education
Pathway B: Year 10 & 11 - Cambridge Technical in Sport Level 2
Pathway C: Year 10 & 11 - BTEC Introduction to Sport Level 1
In addition, we also offer extra-curricular sports clubs including basketball and gym club.