Home / School Information / The Pod
The Pod is a specialist provision which is part of Les Voies school and located within La Mare de Carteret Primary grounds. It provides high quality learning opportunities for young children with Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs and has access to a mainstream setting. It is an Island-wide provision for children from Year 1 through to Year 4 where this has been recommended by a panel of educational specialists.
School Hours
Morning session: 8.35am - 11.50am
Lunchtime: 11.50am - 12.50pm
Afternoon session: 12.50 pm - 2.30 pm
We use a visual timetable to guide the children through the routine of the day, each section is explained in the tab above. Where possible children are taught together, however if lesson content differs due to different levels of academic ability different inputs are delivered.
The children spend time with the school ELSA weekly, and have access to an Educational Psychologist Dr Charlotte Friel as needed. This work focused on CBT Animals, Zones of Regulation and other therapeutic interventions. They also may complete assessments during these sessions.
