Home / Supporting Learning / The Nurture Zone
At Les Voies school, we not only aim to stimulate children’s academic knowledge, but in the Nurture zone sessions, we aim to develop key character skills, including decision making, informed risk-taking, effective communication, teamwork challenges and self-regulation strategies.The Nurture zone intends to promote our students’ self-esteem, emotional wellbeing, and resilience and helps them to form and maintain worthwhile and positive relationships. Skills that we believe form the basis of a student’s wider development and experience.
We aspire to assist students in developing a deepening knowledge of their health and wellbeing, including their mental and physical health. We aim to equip children and young people with information, skills, and values to understand and to be able to cope with the physical and emotional changes that happen during puberty. The information provided will be relevant and appropriate to the age and maturity of pupils.
In the Nurture zone, we give pupils access to topical issues, current affairs, and conversations. At the heart of this, we encourage respect and understanding of the universal rights of the child, as articulated in the UNCRC. We encourage the exploration of, and respect for, values held by diverse cultures and groups within our local community and promote the development of positive attitudes. In all discussions we encourage honesty and respect, and nurture sensitivity to the needs and feelings of others.
At Les Voies, we aim to prepare pupils adequately for adult life: its decisions, responsibilities, experiences, and opportunities, and to allow pupils to develop fully as emotionally mature human beings.