Home / Curriculum / Computing
Here at Les Voies, students have a variety of exposure to different areas in Computing in order to equip them with skills, knowledge and resources essential for the modern work environment. This also helps students to become informed, responsible and engaged members of society.
The curriculum has been designed to ensure that learners have the essential knowledge across a broad range of topics and projects to be successful with technology. Theses are underpinned in the following three areas:
Computer science
Information technology
Digital Literacy
Each term, the students will also learn online safety topics that include:
Online bullying
Online relationships
Online reputation
Self-image and identity
Health and wellbeing and lifestyle
Privacy and security
At KS4 there are multiple pathways for qualification to ensure success, no matter a student's starting point.
Pathway A: Year 10 & 11 - IT User Skills & Enterprise (ITQ) Level 2 plus exam
Pathway B: Year 10 & 11 - IT User Skills & Enterprise (ITQ) Level 1
At KS4 students will continue to study across a broad range of topics. These will include:
Website design
Game making software
Design software
Desktop Publishing
Audio technology
Improving productivity