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What time does the school day start and finish?

The school day begins at 9am with registration and ends at 3pm. Students are encouraged to be punctual to registration. 

What is the school uniform policy?

At Les Voies, students are required to wear full school uniform every day. All uniform should be clearly labelled with the student’s name and can be purchased from Fletcher Sports. The tie can be purchased from the office at Les Voies. Clothing grants from The State of Guernsey are available depending on individual circumstances - please see for more information.


The uniform consists of:


  • A collared white shirt

  • Blue & green striped tie

  • Grey blazer with school logo

  • Black trousers/skirt/tailored shorts

  • Grey jumper with blue & green striped V-neck (optional)

  • All black shoes

  • P.E kit to be provided by school for P.E sessions

What if my child is unable to attend school?

Please let us know if your child is unable to attend school by calling the school office on 01481 220721 or    e-mailing as soon as possible. Depending on the circumstance for absence, our Behaviour & Attendance Lead may get back to you to discuss further.

How will the student's be rewarded?

We have established a system of recognition for all kinds of achievement and positive behaviour. Whilst we recognise the importance and efficacy of rewards, we do not want the pupils to become overly dependent on them. We try to move them from extrinsic (reward based) motivation to intrinsic motivation (self-motivated). The main reward systems are outlined below:


Throughout the day students can earn raffle tickets. Raffle tickets are linked to the word of the week. At end of the week, students who have earned a raffle ticket are entered in a draw to win either a voucher to the value of £5 such as a Just Games voucher, Aladdins cave or similar, a non uniform day on the Monday or an additional 15 minutes coaching with an adult of their choice. The use of raffle tickets is to promote a positive culture in the classroom. For more information, please see the Behaviour and Attitude Policy. 


Bronze, silver and gold awards are given out to students for a variety of different achievements. A positive postcard or phone-call home is used to inform parents/carers of their child’s success. Gold awards are also mentioned in the weekly whole-school assembly and uploaded onto our social media page @LesVoiesSchool.

How will the student's behaviour be monitored?

Les Voies uses a behaviour tracking program called Sleuth to monitor students positive and negative incidents. Sleuth allows staff to look for patterns throughout the day, helping to understand how best to support the students. Sleuth data will also be shared with parents/carers on a regular basis. It is important that parents/carers are included in supporting students at school.

How will the school update me on my child's day?

It is essential that we work closely with parents and carers. There are a range of formal and informal methods to ensure this happens. Tutors are encouraged to make positive phone calls home, or when appropriate, send a postcard for exceptional work. Positive praise should be communicated far more than information regarding discipline. 

What are MEAP+'s (My Educational Action Plans)?

Every student at Les Voies has a MEAP+ in place. This contains all the student’s up to date details, educational targets; attendance; how we as staff can best support them; what routines/responses work best (The 3 Rs); Personal Handling Plan (PHP) and Risk Assessment (RA). 

What transport arrangements are available?

Students may travel to and from school on the school bus following completion of a form from their parent/carer. Each bus has an Escort to welcome students in the morning and see them home safely every afternoon. The buses are also equipped with CCTV cameras for everyone’s safety. Students are required to behave in a way that is acceptable on the school bus. Seat belts must be worn at all times whilst the bus is moving and eating and drinking is not permitted.


There is space available for students to park their motorbikes and bikes on premises. Students are expected to ride sensibly and safely on the school grounds.

What if my child needs to take medication during school hours?

Any medication needed to be taken during the school day must be handed into the school office with a note from parents/carers.  All medication will be kept in a safe and will be double signed for before use. If students require medication not regularly taken (e.g. paracetamol), parents/carers will be contacted to ask permission.

What do I do if I have a query or complaint?

Parents/carers should not hesitate to contact the school on 01481 220721 or by e-mailing, where they will be put in contact with an appropriate member of staff. A complaint form can be collected from the office or can be downloaded from the ‘Contact Us’ page. 

Where can I see the school's policies?

Policies can be accessed on our Policies page or by contacting 


Really managing our children's social and emotional difficulties.

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Collings Road, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 1FW

01481 220721

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