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Home / Student Life / Rights Respecting Schools


We are delighted to have been awarded with the first stage of Unicef UK's 'Silver Rights Respecting Schools Award', which means we are a Rights Committed school.

This means that we recognise the contexts and principles of equality, dignity, respect, non-discimination and participation and we instil this in the work we do with young people. Evidence of this work is visible around the school and is understood and spoken about by adults and young people at every opportunity. 

We have a 'Right of the Week' which is chosen by the JLT and discussed in whole-school assembly and tutor time. In addition we have our school charter which displays quotes from our students on how we, as a school, respect and teach our students about their rights. We are currently working towards our Gold Award and have an action plan in place to achieve this!

Please access the Unicef website for more information about 'The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child'.


- Article 12

I am listened to in my

determination meetings.

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