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Home / School Information / Safeguarding & Child Protection


Les Voies recognises that children can be some of the most vulnerable members of society.  Safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility, but education establishments and the people who work within them have particularly important roles to play.  These include:

  • Proactively working to prevent harm and abuse.

  • Responding to concerns if they arise and supporting the children involved.

  • Sharing information and cooperating with other agencies.


Les Voies is committed to promoting and protecting children’s rights, as set out in the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), and is a Rights Respecting School.  Les Voies is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all of its learners and takes a ‘whole-school’ approach, with this commitment woven through everything that it does.  At all times, the best interests of the child must come first.

For further information about Safeguarding, Child Protection and MASH please access the Islands Safeguarding Children Partnership website.

The Designated Safeguarding Officers
for Les Voies School:

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Jonathan Furley

School Child Protection Officer

Les Voies

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Marie Phillippe

Deputy School Child Protection Officer

Les Voies

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Sue Lambeth

Deputy School Child Protection Officer

Le Viage & The Pod

If you have any concerns regarding a child in school, please contact us on 01481 220721.

Or e-mail:

Alternatively, please contact the Multi-Agency Support Hub (MASH) on 01481 223182 or via their online enquiry form here.

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Partner Agencies

Take a look at the partner agencies we as a school work with.

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Collings Road, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 1FW

01481 220721

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