Home / Supporting Learning / Therapy Dogs
At Les Voies we are lucky to have the support of Therapy Dogs who play an important role in our school. Therapy Dogs in the classroom can be used to calm fears, relieve anxiety, and teach skills.
Therapy Dogs are highly trained (in accordance with the 'Dogs in School' education policy), by WAG - Wellbeing Animals Guernsey; who train individuals to provide assisted therapeutic benefit to people of all ages and in a variety of situations.
Currently we have one Therapy dog named Luna. Luna loves to be with the students in the Nurture Zone and enjoys playing with the students in the quad garden. She loves getting cuddles and sitting quietly with Mrs Tabel during Health & Wellbeing sessions. Luna also visits the classroom during the day when students need support.
In class and on school outings our Therapy Dog:
Is available to encourage a calm and more focused atmosphere
Help calm some young people who are feeling stressed
Always brings a smile and a positive greeting
Teaches responsibility and care for other living things
Has become an effective classroom management tool
Please access Wellbeing Animal Guernsey website for more information on the use of Therapy Dogs in school and the wider community.