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Our Vision
Our Vision

Les Voies School is committed to offering all our learners the best opportunities in life that will give them an advantage when they move into higher education and employment. We value student’s opinions and have an ethos that promotes pupil voice and a sense of a positive, safe, vibrant school community.
At Les Voies we believe that success needs to be ‘value led’ and geared to what the students value. We tailor our curriculum and lessons accordingly to promote positive engagement in learning. We believe all of our students should experience and celebrate success from an early age and ensure all areas of study lead to accreditation.
"The Amazing Everyday"
Les Voies Values
Les Voies Values

Aims of Les Voies
Aims of Les Voies

Create a safe environment which allows students to manage their emotions, feelings, behaviour and responses.

Provide a curriculum which meets the needs of the learners and is reviewed and adapted regularly.

Create a calm, caring and orderly atmosphere of belonging that promotes learning and a sense of community.

Provide well-planned, engaging and differentiated lessons.

Provide consistent routines and responses by staff which gives a sense of security.

Develop a partnership with parents/carers which recognises important factors in home life and the experience of the child.

Promote in all students a sense of self-discipline and regulation, and an ability to take responsibility for their actions.

Promote and encourage continual development of staff in the understanding and working with children with SEMH difficulties.